Principal Designer | Syverson Labs | 2006-present

Palo Alto, CA, New York, NY, Los Angeles, CA

For the times when I wasn't employed as staff, I've worked freelance, providing design and product related services over a range of industries. This page shows a selection portfolio examples and/or descriptions of those projects I am at liberty to share. Some contained finished work, some are in-process documents that shows how I work, and what you can expect from me as a client or as an employer.

As is somewhat typical of most of my career, a large portion of the work I’ve done remains confidential, as per the agreements made with my clients at the outset of my engagement.

Tesla Roadster Launch Presentation

Looping presentation I made for the launch of the Roadster, Tesla's first production vehicle. This was projected in the Tesla booth at the Los Angeles Auto Show, just behind the car. First half is press footage and some of my original footage that sets the context. The second half is an animated breakdown of the Roadster I created in Keynote, per the spec of the Tesla engineering and marketing teams.

Process documentation for four start-ups seeking only brand identity work. Details for each individual project described therein.

Four Brand Identities

Motion graphic rendering of logo as described in the document above.

The animation repeats three times for convenience.

venice ventures animation

Three Album Covers

Examples of work done for jazz artists Nels Cline, Departure and right of violet.

Written descriptions of a sample of three clients where I can describe the generalities of the role, but no specifics or work samples.

three words only