Faculty | Stanford Publishing Courses | 2007 - 2009

Palo Alto, CA

Stanford Libraries had a long-established relationships with major print publishers over the years, offering them courses that helped keep their writers and staff abreast of the latest thinking in publishing.

With the advent of the internet, the publishing industry experienced major shifts, to put it mildly. When video and audio content started to be technically viable for online news, publishers found that they now needed some in-house capability of media production, a skill set that in the past had been relegated to the television news companies. I was asked to help create the New Media Group within Stanford Publishing to provide that educational support. The four of us on the team created the curriculum and presented various on-line and in-person seminars across the US to help client publishers quickly get up to speed with creating their own, less formal media content that would keep them competitive.

Presentation sample - After The shoot

In addition to presenting live seminars, this is an example of a presentation I would give live online with remote participants. Note that this is a video export of a Keynote presentation, so there is no audio and the timing is not set to match the content, but it will convey the type of subject matter we covered. It’s also a bit charming to see such “old” equipment and software being shown, but this was what was available at the time.


stanford.edu webpage for one of the seminar series we developed and presented.



Example of handout document produced for seminar participants.